Platinum Advantage — Flexibility That Works
Design coverage that matches the individual needs of your clients and builds on our strong contract. Platinum Advantage, our premier individual disability insurance product, is flexible to fit your client's occupation, income and lifestyle.
Watch and Share a Real Disability Story
Show your clients why disability income protection really matters. Watch our video to learn how individual disability insurance helped Doug after his diagnosis with cancer.

Are Your Clients Fully Protected?
Use our simple calculator to help clients understand income protection gaps and opportunities for disability coverage.
Offer the Right Protection

Income Protection
With Platinum Advantage, you can tailor income protection coverage to match your clients’ unique needs.

Income Protection for Employees
With our Guaranteed Standard Issue offering, you can give employers a way to offer IDI to highly compensated employees at discounted rates and with no medical underwriting.

Business Overhead Protection
Help ensure your clients can cover business overhead expenses if they are sick or injured and can't work.

Business Equity Protection
Ensure your clients' buy/sell business agreements are funded if they become sick or injured and can't work.