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Business Owners Toolkit

Business owners have a lot to protect.

First, there’s personal income. Personal income finances their lives — their homes, their cars, their lifestyles. Next, they need to protect their businesses and make sure they can cover their expenses every month. Many business owners also have employees who rely on the business for their incomes.

A long absence could disrupt it all: personal income, the business and their employees’ livelihoods. The Standard offers business owners three products to help if they become seriously sick or injured and have to take time off work:

Income Protection InsurancePlatinum Advantage individual disability insurance policies replace personal income.
Business Overhead Expense InsuranceBusiness Overhead Protector® reimburses for overhead expenses, helping the business continue to operate.1
Buy/Sell Agreement Funding InsuranceBusiness Equity ProtectorSM helps fund a buy-sell agreement, so business partners can buy out an owner's interest.1

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