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Workplace Possibilities℠ Blog

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Talking to an employee about his or her health condition in the workplace can be tricky. While it can be a difficult task, it’s one of the most important.
Workplace Possibilities consultants understand the potential setbacks an employee with a comorbid condition could face and can help you address them proactively to encourage an employee’s safe return to work.
While you can’t always plan for the unexpected, your organization can positively impact what may be a challenging time for an employee by ensuring you have the right disability program in place.
For employees fighting cancer, the accommodations and support each employee may need will vary greatly based on his or her unique medical condition, treatment plan and numerous other factors.
While an employee’s need for a one-off mental health day may be covered by paid sick leave or paid time off, we need to go further not only as a society but as individual employers.
The use and abuse of opioids is a pressing issue in the workplace reaching near-epidemic levels.
Alcohol abuse is a costly issue for employers and more prevalent than one might imagine.
Getting employees who have been injured back to work in a way that is safe and helps increase their productivity is extremely important.
Health complications can greatly impact an employee’s ability to work. Some health issues aren’t as apparent and can still limit a person’s ability to focus at work.
Regardless of the cause, here are a few ideas to help you anticipate how to provide the right support to employees who are dealing with the after-effects of a traumatic event.
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