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Workplace Possibilities℠ Blog

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HR managers have the tough job of balancing two mindsets — treating employees equally day to day and helping employees get individualized accommodations for an injury, illness or mental health condition. Here's how a disability carrier can help make that change in mindset easier.

Although FMLA and ADAAA play in the same space, they are two very separate laws that require unique handling.
Our Workplace Possibilities coordinators work side by side with nurse, vocational and mental health case managers to help keep the accommodations and plans moving forward seamlessly and efficiently.
An inexpensive but incredibly effective approach can help employees with a range of health conditions: an ergonomic pen.
Identifying the right solution to accommodate a work restriction is not always obvious. Following a consistent analytical process can ensure key details are not missed, helping to avoid potential issues such as employee and employer frustration or a potential impact on employee safety.
As an employer, you must ensure you are providing a safe, comfortable chair for your employees. When looking at chair options, it's important to focus on two key factors.
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