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Case Study: Reducing Leaves With a Proactive Approach

With over 14,000 employees across 40 different departments and agencies, the City and County of Denver provides a multitude of services for their incredibly diverse employee population. To offer additional support during the pandemic, they expanded their disability management program to ensure their employees’ continued health and success.

The Challenge

When the City and County of Denver began seeing an increase in disability leave requests, they needed to find a way to help people return and stay at work. However, the HR team was already overburdened with responsibilities. In addition, limited expertise with disability management meant there were undefined processes and a decentralized structure that created confusion for employees.

Holistic Solution

The City and County of Denver partnered with The Standard’s Workplace PossibilitiesSM program to help over 100 employees stay at work — or return to work sooner — with the following approach:

First, the City and County of Denver expanded their disability program, demonstrating genuine care and concern for the overall health and success of their employees. Then they tapped into the expertise of The Standard's consultants who offered employees holistic support while also proactively identifying potential issues. Finally, the City and County of Denver provided a central resource for employees to ensure everyone could get the same support from Workplace Possibilities to find a preventative workplace solution.

Successful Results

The City and County of Denver's expanded disability program enabled a holistic and consistent approach that improved employee access to appropriate workplace solutions. This expanded program resulted in:*

  • $149K in total net savings
  • 1,120 days of reduced disability leave duration
  • 107 employees assisted

Champion of Possibilities

In 2021, The Standard awarded the City and County of Denver with the Workplace Possibilities Champion Award for their efforts and success at helping employees stay at work or return to work during the pandemic.

Read the case study to learn more.


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