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Three States With Big Paid Leave News

Oregon and Connecticut have both made mid-year adjustments to their paid leave program dates, and New Hampshire passed its paid leave law. Read below to learn how these changes could impact your program, company and employees.

Oregon Delays Start of PFML Program

In 2019, Oregon signed into law one of the most generous, inclusive paid family and medical leave laws in the country. The original start date for contributions by employers and employees was January 1, 2022, with the start date for benefit payments beginning one year later on January 1, 2023.

However, Oregon recently passed legislation — House Bill 3398 — that officially pushes those start dates out:

  • The starting date for contributions by employers and employees is delayed by one year to January 1, 2023.
  • The starting date for benefit payments is now September 3, 2023.

Connecticut Extends Paid Leave Catch-up Period

In Connecticut, employees and employers began contributing to state-mandated Connecticut Family and Medical Leave programs January 1, 2021. The Connecticut Department of Labor has extended the Connecticut Paid Leave catch-up period through September 30, 2021. This period allows employers to make up for deductions that should have started at the beginning of the year. Until September 30, 2021, employers can deduct an additional 1%, in addition to the statutory 0.5%, from employee wages if they did not begin taking deductions in January 2021.

After September 30, 2021, employers will need special permission from the Connecticut Department of Labor to take paid leave deductions in excess of 0.5%. Ultimately, any shortfall in deductions after this time will be the responsibility of the employer, not the employee.

New Hampshire Passes Unique Paid Leave Law

New Hampshire has passed the Granite State Paid Family Leave Plan, providing mandatory paid family leave to state employees. Private and non-state employers with more than 50 employees will have the ability to opt in to the state plan, with an option for individuals to obtain comparable coverage as well. The timeline is aggressive, with administration of the paid family leave plan to be awarded to a carrier, or carriers, through an RFP process beginning no later than March 31, 2022, with coverage beginning January 1, 2023. Details are still being clarified and we'll continue to provide the latest news and updates about New Hampshire's unique paid leave law.

Find Out What’s Next

Keep checking back here for the latest developments on this legislation — plus updates on current state programs and any new paid family leave laws.

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