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Paid Family Medical Leave: Resources for Employer Readiness

We found that 60% of employers don’t feel very well prepared to administer their new state-mandated paid leave program.* Here are quick insights and resources to help you get ready — including highlights from our recent PFML webinar: Employer Readiness and Opportunities.

Why PFML Matters to Employers

Employers across the country are subject to new state leave laws or can expect to be soon. Three reasons they need to pay close attention:

  • PFML interacts with FMLA and employers’ other leave policies or benefits such as short term disability, paid family or paid parental leave.
  • Employers must meet specific requirements of complex state laws, including:
    • Filing deadlines
    • Premium collections
    • Posting notices
  • Employers are responsible for understanding leave laws and educating employees on their rights.

Why PFML Matters to Employees

Paid family and medical leave can make a big difference in employees’ work and home lives. These benefits allow employees to fulfill their personal and family health care needs for a period of time, without sacrificing 100% of their pay.

It’s also important for employees to understand how PFML benefits may affect their paychecks. For example:

  • Employees are usually responsible for a portion of the premium, deducted from payroll like a tax deduction.
  • They could also be paying into a short term disability leave program, with benefits that could be affected by new PFML laws.

What Research Shows About Employers and PFML

The Standard conducted a research study with 450 HR professionals in February 2020. Key findings show where employers stand:

  • 39% need to implement changes to their current paid leave programs to be compliant with new PFML state laws.*
  • 54% say they will insure through private carriers.*
  • 31% will rely on state PFML plans/programs.*

How The Standard Can Help With Managing PFML

Faced with these new administrative and compliance demands, employers need a partner with leave expertise. When choosing a carrier to manage PFML benefits, look for:

  • Fast claim adjudication
  • Dedicated support
  • Ease of administration
  • Seamless benefit integration with STD and LTD
  • Absence management support
  • Private plan compliance support

The Standard, for example, offers comprehensive services and expertise in absence and disability management.

More PFML Resources

We’re committed to being a leading resource for paid family and medical leave insights and services. Check out the tools below that we offer to help you understand and stay on top of the fast-changing PFML landscape:

View Our PFML Webinar

Our recent PFML webinar for employers features a panel of The Standard’s experts who discuss:

  • Findings from The Standard’s Paid Leave Employer Readiness Study of more than 450 HR professionals.
  • How paid family leave laws impact other leave programs and benefits.
  • Where statutory leave programs are in place and what’s planned.
  • State-administered leave programs and private carrier options.

You can view all these timely insights here: Paid Family and Medical Leave: Employer Readiness and Opportunities. If you have questions about specific state laws or issues, please reach out to your local sales representative. Or call us at 800.633.8575.

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More About Legislative Activity

Leave laws keep getting more complicated. For employers in Massachusetts, that means you can expect to see complex leave interactions now that the state’s paid family and medical leave program is in effect as of Jan. 1, 2021. Here’s what you need to know about integrating PFML with disability and other leaves.
As more states pass PFML legislation, employers may want to have one blanket policy that covers all employees. But that could lead to compliance risks because each program has its own nuances. See what’s similar — and what’s not.
Two states and PFML programs to keep your eye on: New York and Colorado. New York announced its 2021 PFL premium and benefit increases. And Colorado residents will vote on a Paid Family and Medical Leave Initiative on Nov. 3, 2020. Here’s what you need to know.
As we all adjust to life during this pandemic, it’s important to know what options are available for workers if they have to be out of work due to the coronavirus pandemic. See a breakdown of changes made to state and federal PFL, PFML and statutory disability laws due to COVID-19.
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