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Challenges of Planning for Paid Family and Medical Leave

What a year 2020 was, right? But with a challenging year comes great learning — and we've learned a lot. We want to carry that momentum into 2021 by bringing you even more helpful content. For starters, let’s look at challenges facing employers planning for PFML.

For example, one issue is how the federal, state and local rules for Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) and Paid Family Leave are constantly changing. New laws get passed, old laws get updated — the process never really stops. What’s more, each law sets different rules, like how long employees can take paid leave, who qualifies, who contributes and more.

This leaves many employers confused and hesitant about their decisions.

To help us better understand the PFML landscape — including the questions on every employer’s mind — we conducted research on the topic. Our learning is compiled in this report.

Some of the insights discovered include:

To feel more prepared, employers need information and details about paid leave programs. Almost half of employers say they still need basic information about coverage levels, cost and administration.


43% of employers need more information on which carriers support PFML programs. 39% need help choosing between different carriers.


In certain states, employers are required to use their state program. In others, the employer may have options to work with a private carrier to administer or fully insure the plan.

How do employers plan to insure?


Private carriers, 54% and state programs, 31%


And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Download our infographic to gain even more insights on the issues facing employers as they attempt to implement PFML programs.


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