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Products and Services

Find the Right Match for Your Client

Whether your clients are big or small, public or private, count on us to help you find and deliver the right retirement plans and services.

Plan Types

Browse our most popular plan types. If you need help finding a solution for a client’s specific needs, our consultants can help.

401(k) and 403(b) Plans Over $2 Million 

You can expect quality customer service when we work together on plan solutions that fit both your clients’ needs and your business model. Count on professional support, investment flexibility and access to our optional managed account service.

401(k) Plans Up to $2 Million 

Accelerate  is a 401(k) plan that offers big value to small plans.  These single plans up to $2 million have access to services and features typically available only to large plans. Your clients get award-winning service. And you’ll experience easy quoting and onboarding. at a competitive price. And you’ll experience easy quoting and onboarding.

Learn More About Accelerate

Defined Benefit and Cash Balance Plans 

Offer solutions that are ideal for skilled employees and business owners.   

For clients focused on retaining top talent, a defined benefit plan promises a monthly amount at retirement based on an employee’s earnings and years of service. For business owners looking to lower their tax bills and raise their retirement savings, a cash balance plan can fulfill those goals.   

Government Plans 

Deliver quality service to government agencies, tax-exempt organizations and specialty markets with our non-qualified plans. Just like with our larger 401(k) plans, you’ll have access to professional support, a diverse menu of investment options and our optional managed account service.  

Multiple Employer Plans 

Help small- to mid-sized employers join a single retirement plan without extra time-consuming tasks. A Pooled Employer Plan, or PEP, allows multiple unrelated employers to participate in a plan.  Inquire about the advantages and disadvantages of a PEP and whether this type of plan is suitable for your business. 

Services That Add Value, Not Time

Complement your client’s plan with services that can lighten their administrative load or increase participation.

Add value, but not extra work for you. See how our retirement readiness solution can guide employees to invest wisely and save more. 

Services for TPAs

Are you a third party administrator? You can choose to have us provide administrative services to you and your clients or keep the lead as we provide support in the background.

Let’s Deliver a Great Experience Together

Partner with us to deliver the right solutions and quality service to your clients.
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