Form 5500 Filing


Filing Status Definition

Once your Form 5500 is filed, you and The Standard will receive an email with the status of your filing indicating its level of completion. The Standard will take action as necessary and will reach out to you if additional information is required.

Status Definition Action Required
Unprocessable The filing contained schema validation or other errors preventing acceptance by the DOL. It is the same as not having been filed. Penalties will be assessed from the due date of the filing Correct and re-transmit to the DOL.
Processing Your return is being reviewed but the DOL has not assigned a final status yet. None
Filing Stopped The filing is considered to be "live" and accepted it as having been filed, but missing information prevents further processing. An amended return correcting the problem must be signed and re-transmitted.
Filing Error The filing is considered to be "live" and accepted it as having been filed, but there are errors putting this filing in a "deficient" state An amended return correcting the problem must be signed and re-transmitted.
Filing Received Filing is noted as received without errors or omissions Review the transmission log to determine if the filing was assigned any warnings that must be acted upon.

A Note About Amended Returns

Remember that all schedules and attachments must be included with the amended filing prior to signing and transmitting the amendment.